A voice of optimism in a time of upheaval, The Economic Standard is dedicated to clear, compelling debate about the best way forward. We strive to promote policies that will encourage economic growth while respecting individual freedom, protecting the environment, and fostering social mobility and cohesion.
Developed countries are at a crossroads, as populist movements demand radical change. While some proposals are reasonable, many threaten the fundamental market principles underpinning personal freedom and long-term economic growth. At the same time, governments risk adopting regressive policies as they seek to outflank populist challengers.
We believe that successfully addressing populist grievances requires spreading prosperity through self-sustaining, market-strengthening mechanisms—not doubling down on the failed interventions of yesteryear.
With this in mind, The Economic Standard aims to provide a forum for substantive debate and analysis of policy issues, from all perspectives. We hope it serves as a trusted resource for you and look forward to your participation.