By Andy Blom, TES Washington Editor
Joe Biden says African Americans can’t vote because they aren’t smart enough to get a driver’s license and Latinos can’t get the vaccine because they don’t know how to use the internet. What a President we have! But the White House, 5 Republican and 5 Democrat Senators have reached a bi-partisan agreement on an infrastructure bill. Of course the other 90 Senators aren’t so sure, so don’t go counting those chickens yet. Fortunately, free market thinkers and doers aren’t chicken. They’re working fearlessly on your behalf. Here’s this week’s (non-fake) news…
Don’t Trust Congress on Antitrust. Break up Big Tech! Grind down Google! Fracture Facebook! Amputate Amazon! Congress is hard at work “reining in Big Tech”…except…except there are serious questions about their approach. Republicans and conservatives feel the new proposed laws do nothing to control Big Tech’s heavy handed ideological censorship. And free market thinkers worry that the proposed laws favor bureaucrats and regulators over consumers. This is a battle that is going to affect you, so start learning the pros and cons here.
Antitrust – The Devilish Details. The antitrust actions against Big Tech are one of the more important and far reaching battles going on in Washington today. And, much as we might want this to be clearcut and simple, it just ain’t. For those ready for a deeper dive, Ashley Baker from the Alliance on Antitrust breaks down the bills and their amendments here.
Or, for a Quick Primer…Tired of antitrust yet? We understand, but this really could be a big deal. Imagine life without Amazon as we know it. For a fast, clear look at just what the problem is, and the large problems with the laws intended to fix it, take a five minute read through through the Heritage Foundation’s report. Memorize the bullet points and show off for your neighbors.
Apartheid is Not South Africa’s Only Evil. Ending apartheid brought South Africa into the world community, but they seem determined to be ostracized again…over property rights. That’s why over 30 international organizations have signed a coalition letter in support of South Africa’s people opposing a constitutional amendment to allow government confiscation of property without compensation. See the letter here, It’s a cry for freedom.
Credit. Trump Giveth, Biden Taketh Away. The Trump Administration paved the way for small local banks to compete with big national banks, expanding their credit offerings for consumers and entrepreneurs through the “True Lender” Rule. Now the Democrats in Congress want to overturn that rule – just when Americans most need access to credit. John Berlau gives the full story in National Review here, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) leads a coalition effort to protect ‘True Lender” here.
Juneteenth — Symbolism Reaching Right Into Your Wallet. The feel good “anti-racism” of making Juneteenth a Federal Holiday doesn’t come free. 49 States have already recognized Juneteenth as a holiday so why not make it Federal? Great if you are a federal government employee, not so great if you are a taxpayer. Federal employees already get 42 paid days off a year…paid with your taxpayer dollars! But employee pay isn’t the only cost (although do you get 9 weeks paid time off every year?) Adam Andrzejewski CEO/Founder of looks at all the ramifications of our new Federal Holiday here.
Murder in Louisville? You’re on the Clock. Shootings are way up in Louisville, Kentucky, but don’t take the word of a random headline. Kentucky’s Pegasus Institute has started a “Homicide Clock” so you can track the grim news in easy to read graphics. Are “Defund the Police” and Antifa to blame? You decide.
Ideology Driving Healthcare…WHO’s the Problem? WHO is. We have seen what a dog’s breakfast the World Health Organization (WHO) has made of the Covid-19 pandemic and its origins (Chinese lab anyone?) But if you think that’s the only area where WHO is letting ideology and politics drive their decisions and recommendation…meet e-cigarettes and vaping. Proven to be less harmful, they are more heavily regulated and targeted for prohibition than combustible tobacco products. If you vape, use e-cigs, or are concerned about bureaucratic overreach, check out the story here.
The PRO Act — Workers’ Rights VS Union Rights. The pros and cons of union membership is a touchy and complex argument. But not for the Democrat leaders in Congress. They have cobbled together the PRO (Protecting the Right to Organize) Act and opponents say it is simply a union wish list. CEI, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, takes an in-depth look at the legislation here and why it might just favor unions over workers.
Bipartisanship is in the Mail. It’s good news when Republicans and Democrats can work together…at least in this case. Democrat Senator Gary Peters and Republican Rob Portman have introduced the Postal Service Reform Act of 2021 and it could at long last bring transparency, solvency and maybe even profitability to the United States Postal Service. Essentially the plan developed by Trump appointed Postmaster General Louis Dejoy, the legislation moving through congress could be a boon to customers and taxpayers alike. Peter Roff has the interesting details.
Andresen Blom is a Washington based policy and political analyst and author who has been published in The Wall Street Journal, The Hill, and Politico.