By Mark Chataway, Co-Founder of Bairds CMC and Hyderus I was in charge of communications for the largest HIV services group in the USA in 1983. I started work just after most Americans first heard about AIDS. The novel Coronavirus is not HIV, but I have noticed similarities in the panic surrounding […]
Tag: HIV
Eastern Europe, Central Asia need harm reduction strategies to fight HIV, Hep C
Eastern Europe and Central Asia have lagged behind Western Europe and elsewhere in adopting harm reduction strategies to combat diseases spread by intravenous drug users who share dirty needles, with predictably unfortunate results. It’s time for governments in both regions to implement harm reduction strategies […]
Protect IP or give up miracle cures yet uninvented
In a piece for the Morning Consult, Philip Thompson of the Property Rights Alliance highlights the importance of intellectual property in powering innovation, especially in key categories like medicine: Ja’Ceon Golden, a “bubble boy” cured with healthy genes delivered via a “hijacked” (and otherwise harmless) HIV virus, is a poster boy for medical innovation. […]