IEA publishes “Nanny State on Tour” Courtesy of IEA The amount of UK foreign aid spent on nanny state interventions has skyrocketed, according to a new report from the Institute of Economic Affairs. Foreign aid has been instrumental in controlling and eradicating infectious conditions abroad, but British public health organisations have increasingly used the […]
Tag: malaria
Protecting IP is critical to the fight against disease
With the world confronting daunting new health challenges, the UN is emphasizing the need to achieve true universal healthcare. That’s a laudable goal worth supporting — but the same can’t be said for the UN and other global organizations frequent support for measures that jeopardize […]
MMV & Novartis: Solving market failure while saving children’s lives – the case of malaria
By Dr David Reddy, Chief Executive Officer of the Medicines for Malaria Venture, and Dr Harald Nusser, Head of Novartis Social Business In the 1990s, treating children with malaria in Africa was a grueling experience. The parasite had become resistant to the most common antimalarial treatments, and death rates were climbing – fast. […]
Solutions to Disease and Poverty Begin at Home
By Richard Tren, TES Contributor Recently news broke about a potentially promising new tool to combat malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. Researchers from the University of Maryland in the United States, in collaboration with a research institute in Burkina Faso, have discovered a new genetically modified fungus that kills mosquitoes […]
We Can End Malaria — Let’s Finish The Job
By John M. Bridgeland, Vice Chairman of Malaria No More American leadership can make the difference between life and death. I’ve witnessed firsthand how Americans saved lives in villages across Africa. While visiting a public health facility 13 years ago in Mukarange, the capital of the Kayonza District in eastern Rwanda, […]
Winning The War Against Malaria
By Roger Bate When former US President George W. Bush announced the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) in 2005, nearly a million people were dying from malaria each year—most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa. Today is World Malaria Day, and it’s a good time to take stock of progress. In the […]