Editor’s Note: And undermining IP laws promises opposite Have you ever noticed that “fake news” almost always means bad news? Of course it’s taken for granted that “real news” usually means the same. Well, here’s that rarest of treasures, a piece of news that is both real and good, which frankly everyone should be […]
Tag: medicine
Docs need options besides opioids for pain
The opioid epidemic in the U.S. has claimed an astonishing and horrifying 381,000 American lives through drug overdoses from 2005-2018, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation and the National Center for Health Statistics, and has driven at least one big pharmaceutical company, Purdue Pharma, […]
Want to cure Alzheimer’s? Fix IP laws
The last few years have brought a slew of new treatments (and sometimes cures) for fatal and chronic diseases long considered almost untreatable, including various cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. But one foe has remained seemingly intractable: dementia associated with old age, particularly Alzheimer’s. […]
WASHINGTON BEYOND THE HEADLINES: CEI tackles climate ideology and more…
By Andy Blom, TES Contributor While we wait for the chaos of the first Democratic Presidential Debate and watch the increasingly insane socialist, high tax social engineering and environmental doomsday proposals being put forth, free market conservatives are working every day on legislation, policy initiatives and practical approaches. Here’s a roundup of this […]
Thakur: Are Generic Drug Safe?
In an op-ed in the The Hill, Dinesh Thakur, Founder of Medassure Global Compliance Corporation, reveals just how little we know about the provenance of generic medicines. Approximately 80% of America’s drug supply has “significant components” that were manufactured overseas, according to the Pew Prescription Project. “Lack-of-effect” results — when patients don’t […]
EU jeopardizing innovation with IP threats
Philip Stevens, Executive Director, Geneva Network. The European Parliament in April voted through a proposal that will allow generic companies to manufacture and export outside the EU copies of medicines that are still essentially patent protected in Europe. This vote around what’s known as the Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) Export Waiver may […]
Protect IP or give up miracle cures yet uninvented
In a piece for the Morning Consult, Philip Thompson of the Property Rights Alliance highlights the importance of intellectual property in powering innovation, especially in key categories like medicine: Ja’Ceon Golden, a “bubble boy” cured with healthy genes delivered via a “hijacked” (and otherwise harmless) HIV virus, is a poster boy for medical innovation. […]