“460,000 jobs in Germany are linked to exports to the United Kingdom” Courtesy of the IAB Around 460,000 jobs in Germany are directly or indirectly linked to exports to the United Kingdom. Around 60,000 of these are employed in the automotive industry. This emerges from a study published on Tuesday by the Institute for Labor […]
Tag: pharmaceuticals
Canada’s healthcare system desperately needs private sector participation
“Canada’s Health Care Woes: Waiting Lists, Outdated Equipment, Staff Shortages” By Peter St. Onge and Patrick Déry, courtesy of MEI In the upcoming US election, at least ten Democratic presidential candidates are on record endorsing a consciously Canadian-style “Medicare for All” plan.(1) Most would replicate universal public funding of health care, while some […]
Price Controls Consistently Fail Consumers: Why does Congress keep hoping that next time they will work?
By George Landrith, Frontiers of Freedom Government mandated price controls do not work. The intentions of Members of Congress when passing such government mandated price controls may or may not be good, but intentions are not the issue. Even if their intentions are good, the results will not be. That is the bottom […]
True Innovators Need Secure Patents for R&D
By James Edwards, Ph.D, Conservatives for Property Rights Remember how early mobile phones routinely dropped calls? Mobile devices today operate on better technology. The innovative system, called “code division multiple access,” supplanted an approach the telecommunications industry was considering as the underpinning for wireless communication. CDMA more efficiently uses airwaves to handle […]
French pharmacists paid not to dispense drugs?
“Pharmacists Paid for Not Delivering Prescription Drugs?” By Phoebe Ann Moses, courtesy of Contrepoints Will pharmacists soon be paid for not dispensing prescription drugs from the doctor’s prescription? That’s what seems to be under discussion right now between pharmacists’ unions and health insurance. The doctors would be deprived of their authority to […]
Importing Bad Ideas: Let’s Not
“Foreign reference pricing” is just price controls by the backdoor The world is full of bad ideas that self-interested parties sometimes try to bring to these shores, swearing up and down they’re actually good: karaoke, kale, Neti pots, the Yugo, the Macarena, Gerard Depardieu — the list goes on. To this hall of shame must […]
Drug reference pricing threatens patient health, innovation
By Erik Sass, TES Editor-in-Chief Some recent proposals to lower drug prices are not just counterproductive but dangerous, according to an international panel of expert economists convened by the Competitive Enterprise Institute at the National Press Club on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. The panelists warned that “foreign reference pricing” — a practice […]
SE Asian countries need to focus on knowledge economy
A global crossroads boasting young, tech-savvy populations and far-flung trade connections, Southeast Asia is well positioned to become an economic hub. But to do this national governments must first lay the groundwork by embracing policies designed to foster innovation and the knowledge economy, […]
Analyzing health records, insurance claims speeds new treatments
Historically the trove of medical and para-medical information known as “real-world evidence,” including health records but also insurance claims and patient registries, has mostly been used as a source for additional evaluation of the efficacy of existing drugs after they have already been approved. But […]
Diabetes Breakthrough Signals Need For New Treatment Approach
A major breakthrough in the clinical approach to type 2 diabetes holds out hope that newly diagnosed individuals can avoid many of the disease’s worst effects for far longer, according to Sir Michael Hirst and Dr. Päivi Maria Paldánius writing in CapX. Based on […]