
The Most Critical Metal You’ve Never Heard of

    By Larry Reaugh, American Manganese Inc.    Rare Earths Elements (REEs) may grab most of the headlines when the topic is critical minerals, but 21st Century technology is hungry for far more than REEs; take the lithium-ion batteries that literally drive our Electric Vehicles, which require not only the lithium that gives them their […]

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EU–South Asia relations in the 21st century: Rethink, reimagine, reshape

    By Ivano di Carlo and Shada Islam, European Policy Centre     Amid the intense competition underway between the US and China and the increasing presence of Russia, China, Turkey, Iran and Britain in the Indo-Pacific, the EU must build better bilateral relations with all South Asian countries – and not just India. […]


We need more borders and more states

    By Ryan McMaken, Fundación Internacional Bases    In the context of trade and immigration, borders are often explained as a means of excluding foreign workers. Thinking in a certain way, borders offer an opportunity for states to exclude private actors, such as workers, merchants and entrepreneurs. On the contrary, borders can also serve a […]


Pipeline Cyberattack Shows Fossil Fuels Are Still Important

By Isaac Orr   The cyberattack that closed the Colonial Pipeline focused new attention on the all-important role pipelines, and the fossil fuels they transport, play in our lives. The Colonial pipeline delivers 45 percent of the fuel consumed on the East coast.   Anyone who pretends we don’t need the energy provided by oil […]

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Visionary Milton Friedman and the Chinese Economy

  By Rainer Zitelmann     In October 1976 it was announced that the Nobel Prize in economics for that year would be awarded to the American economist Milton Friedman. Almost exactly a month before that announcement, Mao Zedong had passed away. Just four years after his death, Friedman visited China for the first time. […]

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Inventor Turns Rice and Wheat into Unlikely Sources for Vitamin D

  By IP Progress   WHO: Chintala Venkat Reddy, a farmer from Hyderabad, Telangana.   THE CHALLENGE: Vitamin D—also known as the “sunshine vitamin”—plays a vital role in keeping our bodies healthy by promoting bone strength and supporting cardiovascular health. Adequate vitamin D levels are also crucial for a strong immune system. Although our bodies […]