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Ten years after crisis Europe is sort of the same, also worse

    A decade after the global financial crisis and ensuing economic downturn, how has Europe changed? Well, not as much as you might expect, according to Matthew Edwards, writing for the Austrian Economics Center. Analyzing data from the OECD and Eurostat, Edwards finds surprisingly little difference from pre-crisis conditions… and unfortunately what has changed […]

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Current UK prudential regulation “bound to fail”

    Tired of talking about Brexit? Don’t worry, we can talk about the “rot at the heart of the banking system” instead! The Adam Smith Institute has a new white paper outlining the continuing vulnerabilities of the British financial system, which are due in large part to misguided and counterproductive financial regulations, and suggesting […]

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Stopping high-skilled immigration is self-defeating

    While immigration has dominated the political debate in Europe and the U.S. for several years, one important but often overlooked issue is the range of skills, education, and productivity some immigrants bring to the table, which can boost economic growth and create jobs in the host country – even when their visa status […]

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“They Are Losing Their Faith That The EU Is Still About Freedom And Hope”

Bui   By Erik Sass TES Editor   The alarm bells are ringing, but will EU officials in Brussels wake up before it’s too late? Alas, probably not. A rising tide of discontent in Eastern Europe over protectionism, income inequality, unchecked immigration and overregulation threaten to undermine the region’s adhesion to the European Union, jeopardizing […]