By Santiago Remón; Reviewer, Franco M. López, Fundacion BASES Introduction We have long understood health as a basic human need. The pharmaceutical industry, that business sector dedicated to the manufacture, preparation and marketing of medicinal chemicals for the treatment and prevention of diseases, has played a very important role in health care for […]
Tag: IP
Consumers Pay When Patent Trolls Monetize ITC Loopholes
By Krisztina Pusok and Steve Pociask, American Consumer Institute The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) has become an increasingly popular venue for patent complaints, allowing patent trolls to exploit the loopholes in ITC practice for financial gains. Unless the ITC’s statute or practice adjusts to better reflect the realities of modern products and innovation […]
Don’t Think Software Design Is An Artform? Just Look At Java
By Thomas Carey, Sunstein LLP In its current term, the Supreme Court will decide Google v. Oracle, a copyright case that has huge implications for the software industry. The smaller issue, potentially involving billions of dollars, is whether Google’s Android operating […]
What’s really in the U.S.-China trade deal?
“What Will the US‐China Deal Accomplish on Tech Transfer, IP Protection and Innovation?” By Simon Lester and Huan Zhu, courtesy of the Cato Institute The US-China Economic and Trade Agreement, described as a “phase one” deal, entered into force today (30 days after signature, pursuant to Article 8.3, para. 1). The Agreement has created a […]
Achieving Economic Security Depends on Assuring National Security
By James Edwards, Executive Director of Conservatives for Property Rights “Economic security is national security.” Different officials have made this statement over the years. Only, now the news has begun to catch up and validate the truth it expresses. Reports have proliferated, exposing various ways America’s competitors — particularly China and […]
Guess who’s at the bottom of the Property Rights Index
The Property Rights Alliance has released the latest edition of its annual Property Rights Index, rating countries on various metrics for property rights protections. Produced in partnership with the Foundation for Economic Freedom and Minimal Government Thinkers, a think tank in the Philippines, the index […]
SE Asian countries need to focus on knowledge economy
A global crossroads boasting young, tech-savvy populations and far-flung trade connections, Southeast Asia is well positioned to become an economic hub. But to do this national governments must first lay the groundwork by embracing policies designed to foster innovation and the knowledge economy, […]
TES Weekly Update: Science Delivers, Politics Withers
Diabetes breakthrough shows there’s hope! Brexit mess shows… something else Our world remains a study in contrasts, and that’s about the most that can be said for it. On the one hand, a breakthrough in the clinical understanding of diabetes promises to quietly revolutionize the way we treat one of the world’s deadliest […]
Protecting IP is critical to the fight against disease
With the world confronting daunting new health challenges, the UN is emphasizing the need to achieve true universal healthcare. That’s a laudable goal worth supporting — but the same can’t be said for the UN and other global organizations frequent support for measures that jeopardize […]